Deliver: Facilitation That Engages Hearts and Minds





Great facilitation brings learning to life and makes it safe to experiment and self-reflect.

Our master facilitators adapt, connect, and engage every person.

(Even the total crabs.) 

Learning Delivery Services

Learning new things requires an environment where people can experiment and take risks. Whether we're delivering our custom programs, or tapping into our talented bench of facilitators to deliver your in-house programs, we create a positive forum to do the hard work of learning new things. 


Live and Virtual Live Facilitation

In the room or on the Zoom, we specialize in creating an active, inclusive learning experience to shift mindsets and behavior. 



Our presenters tailor their dynamic delivery to any size and level of audience - from senior leaders on retreat to all-company town halls. 


Train the

We help your trainers upshift their facilitation skills to be able to read the room, adapt and tailor the learning objectives to their audience. 


Speaker/ Video Coaching

We transform your subject matter experts, panelists and leaders from talking heads into TedTalkers and master storytellers. 

A Unique Mix of Superpowers

Our facilitators blend decades of experience leading learning programs with backgrounds ranging from research to leadership, coaching, learning design, organizational psychology, engineering to consumer research. Our secret sauce: The philosophy and practice of improvisation is in our DNA, giving us an unparalleled ability to connect and flex in any environment. 


Fairplay Team

Our Approach to Learning Delivery

Group of People

Cast the right team

We assemble the right experts with the skills and experience to challenge and engage your group. 

Person changing direction

Read the room and pivot

This is our superpower: we go off script to meet learners where they are. 

Glowing heart

Create an experience people love

No matter what we're teaching, we're always building a growth mindset and a love of learning. 

Person giving feedback

Listen to feedback

We're obsessed with learner feedback, because we know that's how we learn and grow. 

Lighbulb with a question mark

Encourage a 'speak up' atmosphere

We flatten workplace dynamics to make sure every voice is heard. 


Featured Work: Behavioral Interviewing Skills for an Automotive Research Group

Situation: This highly technical organization wanted to build core skills for anybody who might be part of an interview panel for new candidates. 

Problem: In a highly competitive market, the interview process could be a 'make or break' experience for attracting great talent. Also, this organization realized the need to standardize their interview process to create a more inclusive environment. 

Our Solution: Our design team partnered with Dr. Sami Smith, an organizational psychologist with experience in behavioral interviewing. When it was time to deliver, Sami was one of our facilitators, bringing her expertise to the conversation. 



Let's get started.

Ask us a question or book a discovery call. 

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