Discovery: Learning Needs Analysis




Icon of a Car

You know your favorite car mechanic? Remember how much you love them when they don't charge you for something you don't need?  Our discovery process helps you get under the hood to see what's really going on so you address root causes, not symptoms. 

Our Discovery Process



We start with a 1-2 hour conversation with you to listen deeply.

What's going on?

What's working (or not?) Why?

What's your ideal future state? 

What other initiatives are in play?



We dig into existing collateral as needed.

Org charts

Strategy docs

Previous Surveys

Performance data



We engage to understand your world from every angle.

Focus Groups/Listening Sessions

Interviews with Subject Matter Experts

Additional Surveys or Assessments

Ride Alongs

Customer Surveys

Facilitated Brainstorming

Stakeholder Questionnaires

Organized Blob


We deliver our findings in a packaged Insights Report.

Key themes

Recommended learning path

Additional Recommendations

Resources & Links


Featured Work: Leadership Discovery for a National Museum

Situation: This world-famous museum had been through massive change, including a reorganization of how the senior leaders and key managers interacted.

Problem: Managers and executives were not aligned on their norms for working together - and the role of the managers was not clear. Our research revealed that everyone needed time together - without having time to get together. 

Our Solution: We created a fast-moving series for busy leaders to listen to each other through surveys and lunchtime listening sessions. A final all-group working session brought the full team together to unpack key friction points. 

Results: Our final report touched on areas of strategic communication, executive development and a recommended learning plan for the managers for the next year. 

Let's get started.

Ask us a question or book a discovery call. 

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